Keysoft Cloud

Managing a hotel or vacation home can be so easy. With Keysoft, you can optimize access management and keep an eye on all rooms, bookings and guest data. The advantage: thanks to the cloud-based technology, you can access the locking system online from any location with an internet connection - 24 hours a day, every day of the week. Thanks to the cloud, your reception is now open around the clock. And you no longer even need to be on site to manage bookings and room access. Keysoft not only provides you with a major advantage in terms of optimal organization, but also saves you high administrative costs in the long term.
Bekannt aus:

  • Intelligenter adressierbarer Hitzemelder der Excellence-Serie von Kidde
  • Unterstützt statische und ansteigende Temperaturmessungen
  • Dreifarbige Anzeigen für Alarm, Vor-Alarm, Isolation, Fehler, ItsMe und Kommunikation
  • 360° Sichtbarkeit der Anzeigen ohne Ausrichtung des Geräts
  • Neues mechanisches Drehadressierungssystem für einfache Adressierung